Burning Extra Fat is Burn Cash, Here is Why

Posted by Khmoping Store on

Here is why losing your body fat is losing cash. Losing extra fat of your body is like losing extra cash. 

  1. Why the body get fat? because we eat too much food that the body doesn't need and the body turns it into fat. In case you don't have enough to eat, the body will burn that fat. It's a revolutionary mechanism of the body. But in the modern age we are not going to suddenly don't have anything to eat. So unless we control out eating, the fat wont' have any chance to be burned.
  2. How do we get our food? We have to buy them right? We use our hard earn cash to buy food so we can feed our body. 
  3. Where do we get the money to buy food? It's the money that we earn in whatever way you do. 

Fat <= Food <= Cash. 

So if we have extra fat, that means we have extra cash, which means burning extra fat is the same as burning extra cash. 

Who is so insane to burn the extra cash they hardly earn? No one would do that. 

But many people do exactly that when they say they are working out to burn fat. They are working out to burn cash ;). 

They work hard to earn cash, and then they work hard at the gym to burn that cash (used to buy food which turns into fat). 

The mind has been hacked. No more burning fat, no more burning cash. 





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